Friday, January 25, 2013

R.I.P. Mason Mauldin

Sugar And The Raw, 2008 (Mason seated at center). Photo by Matthew Martin.
Little Rock lost another good fellow too soon-- Mason Mauldin, a solid fellow best known as frontman for Sugar And The Raw and Big Boots and more recently a skilled airplane pilot, passed away yesterday in a terrible accident. Thoughts and love going out to all those affected, and all the intertwined friends in our community. You are sorely missed, Mason!

Here's a clip from KTHV news on Mason and the LR music scene's reaction to his loss.

And here's a clip of Big Boots playing in 2007:

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I make comics-- Save It For Later, Two Dead, March, Run, Come Again, Any Empire, Swallow Me Whole. Arkansan in Indiana, dad, aging punk.